Why Black and White?

Human eye development is a complex process. For the first 90 days of life, a newborn baby can only see light and dark shadows. It is not until 12 weeks after birth that the macula, the center of the retina, is fully developed. So, babies do not see color at birth and therefore tend to respond well to being shown black and white objects, simple patterns, and contrast designs.

Is the Zebra school a Real School?

No, the Zebra School is not a real school. We are an e-commerce website that designs and curates development toys, and other products and services for newborns, and preschoolers.

Why is our Podcast called “Zebra Ears?”

Zebras are ungulates with an acute sense of hearing. Like a horse, a zebra can turn their ears in almost any direction - capturing the sounds of its environment with keen precision. Plus, we are committed to keeping our ears to the ground to stay abreast of relevant information taking place in the early childhood space. :-)

How Long Is Each EPISODE OF The “Zebra Ears” Podcast?

We recognize that new parents are extremely busy and we value their time. As a result, all podcast episodes will be between 15 to 30 minutes in duration.