Learn & Lead

We’re here to help you through this new world of parenthood. Our “Learn & Lead” program offers a great opportunity for you to access relevant information about what the next three years and beyond have in store. Our select program topics range from the importance of swaddle time, baby growth & development, and more. Fill out the form below and let us know what program you are interested. Programs begin November 2022.

FREE: First Year Growth Chart

In this course we will walk you through your babies first year. Your baby is constantly growing at a huge rate and you be able to should keep up with our handy dandy convenient growth chart.


FREE: Daytime Swaddle Time

This course is designed to teach you how to use our Daytime Swaddle Blanket. Our multi-use blanket has many applications that you can utilize for years to come. In this class you will learn how to use our blanket to keep baby warm during feedings, as a scroller cover, changing surface and more.


FREE: Sleep Counts

You are already heard the advice “sleep when your baby sleeps.” But this is really hard to do when there are so many things to do during the day. In this course, learn practical tips to help you manage your day and get a little daytime sleep too.

FREE: Your Words Matter

The more words your baby hears within the first year directly correlates to their reading success when they get older. In this class learn some of the best conversations to have with your baby and items in your house that will make this a simple and fun activity.